3 ways to make money online are revealed! Increase passive income online at home!

Due to the global pandemic of the new crown virus, many companies have begun to let employees take unpaid leave or even lay off employees directly due to the impact of the epidemic. Usually, seemingly stable jobs are also affected by the epidemic one after another. , causing many to lose their jobs and therefore no income.

It is suggested that everyone can develop a high-income skill that can make money at home, so that they can no longer rely on the salary of the company as their main income. Now in the era of developed Internet, people receive new information from the Internet. The pie in the market for making money is getting bigger and bigger, and many people also use online business as their main income.

There are many ways to make money online. This article has sorted out 3 ways to make money online. Find the online business that suits you and start taking action!

1. Run a YouTube channel

The past few years have been a year of huge growth for Youtubers. Youtubers have the same advantage as bloggers in that they do not have any threshold restrictions . Anyone can upload videos on Youtube. The source of income is similar to that of bloggers. Video performance.

What kind of revenue can we mainly build from running Youtube?

  1. Youtube ad revenue
  2. Youtube member
  3. Career video
  4. Affiliate Marketing
  5. Sell personal products (physical or digital)

Today is the era of self-media. You can even see many traditional media artists starting to operate self-media on the Internet. It is conceivable how big the we-media pie is. It is also the future trend, and everyone can be free. There are no threshold restrictions for uploading videos and articles, which is very suitable for friends who are just starting to operate an online business.

2. Run Instagram

The main common ways of doing business on Instagram:

  1. personal brand
  2. food sharing
  3. Sharing of things in their respective fields (financial management, fitness, makeup, painting.. etc.)

The ultimate goal is to accumulate a large number of tracking numbers. If the tracking number is high, there will naturally be manufacturers who will come to you to write endorsements, develop business with real-life news, etc., and the bargaining chip you have in negotiating prices with manufacturers is your tracking number, your The higher the tracking number, the higher the price that can be opened.

3. Be a webcast host/live host

The common content of live broadcast and live broadcast is divided into two categories:

  1. Games: Attract audiences through powerful operation techniques or interesting game content.
  2. Talents: common dancing, singing and chatting.

Webcasting/live, need to interact with the audience in real time, it is very important to your temporary response ability, and the style of your speech is not funny, the main sources of income are like Donate, platform advertising, career matching, endorsements, etc.

Common live/live platforms:

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