How to earn money from WhatsApp for Free

 Hello friends welcome to"Via Tech" today we are going to tell you about how to earn money from whatsapp in this post, in which we are going to give you complete information about how to earn money from whatsapp, we hope Like last time, this time too. You will like our post. We are going to tell you all that information. How you can earn money from WhatsApp and what you have to do for it.

Friends, in today's time everyone wants to earn money, but most people want to earn money online from home, so this question comes to us often. How to earn money from WhatsApp. Friends, if you see, in today's era, everyone has all the facilities with a smart phone. Internet connection has also become very cheap nowadays. That's why everyone wants to know. How to earn money from WhatsApp.

Well, there are many ways to earn money from WhatsApp. But before knowing how to earn money from WhatsApp you need to know this. What is WhatsApp? What is whatsapp and how to earn money with it, read our post till the end.

What is WhatsApp?

There are many ways to earn money from WhatsApp, but here we will tell you the special ways. Which ones you can use to make a lot of money, it is entirely up to you. Here is the best way to earn money from WhatsApp. That you don't have to pay any money to work in it, you can earn money while sitting. We will tell you the ways. Which are most used to earn from WhatsApp, so you should use them.
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Link Shortening
  • Referral Program
  • PPD Network
  • Paid Promotion
Link Shortening

Link shortening is also considered a very good way to earn money from WhatsApp. Friends, you can earn very good money through link shortening and you don't even need to put much effort in it, you can easily earn money. In this, to earn money from WhatsApp, you just need to create a link and then share it in groups and when someone clicks on that link. So you will get paid per click

1.To earn great money from WhatsApp at home with link shortener, you need to follow the steps below, only then you will be able to earn money from it.

2. First, you need to choose the highest paying and trustworthy link shortener website. Like –,, there are many such websites etc.

3. Now you need to create an email account on the chosen link shortener's website.

4. Creating an account is very easy, for this you can login to most of the websites through Google account, Facebook account as well.

5. Now you need to shorten the webpage link with shortener

6. The shortened link has to be shared with all your friends and all whatsapp groups, the more shares, the more you will be able to earn money.
7. You have to invite your friends from Shortner Link's account, you will always get 10 to 20 percent of all referral friends' earnings.
You can transfer your money to your bank account through PayPal, Payza etc
  • Cutwin
  • Link Earn
  • Spate
Referral Program
Referral program is also a great way to earn money from WhatsApp. You can make a lot of money with a referral program. A friend of yours on WhatsApp might have sent you a link to an app. In which after signing you get some money and other people also get separate money for joining. This is called a referral program.
In this you have to share the referral link of an app with your friends on WhatsApp, then the more people download that app from your referral link, the more money you will get from it. And you can earn a lot of money.

PPD Network
The full form of PPD is “pay per download”. You can understand from its name. That the PPD network is the network that pays for every download. You will find many PPD websites on the internet, with the help of which you can earn money from WhatsApp, you just need to choose a genuine and reliable site and an account on the PPD website. Must be made.

After creating an account, you need to upload any files that people want to download. Friends, here we go

After creating an account, you need to upload any files that people want to download. Friends, now we tell you. What you have to do, now you have to share the link of this file with WhatsApp as much as possible with your friends and relatives, after that the more people download it, the more you will earn. You can check the names of some genuine and reliable PPD Networks websites below. such as –
  • Dollor Upload
  • Upload Ocean
  • Share Cash
  • Daily Upload
  • User Cloud
Paid promotion
In paid promotion, advertisers contact you to promote one of your products and services. You just have to do it. That they promote their product by sharing it in their WhatsApp groups and in return the advertiser gives you money. There are many things you can promote such as –
1.You can promote any product.
2. You can promote any app.
3. You can promote any local business.
4. You can promote any website, blog.
5. You can promote any YouTube channel.
6. You can promote any Facebook page, Facebook group

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